Most of us aren’t into public displays of affection. A little peck here and a hug there maybe, but definitely not full on make out sessions that would cause other people to squirm. We know our limitations and we save those for private moments. When I was interviewed by Aleisha McCormick of Bridechilla wedding planning podcast, she asked me why all couples should document their love stories even if they aren’t into the mushy gushy romantic stuff. It was a good question for which I had 6 specific reasons.
To Bring Your Love Story Into Your Wedding
You’ve built something together as a couple that’s truly special. The culmination of many little moments and experiences have all added up to equal a lifetime commitment to one another. Your wedding is the grand celebration into this next chapter of your lives. Your love story sets the mood and tone for your special day.
"The best part of the love story was getting to retell those experiences we had and shared. Some time has passed since many of those moments and it brought us closer as a couple to relive them and remember them together. I liked talking with Kristen, it was very easy and I didn't feel self-conscious like I think I normally would when talking about my relationship" ~Valerie
Your Wedding Guests Want to Know
There’s only one day in your entire life where the most important people in your lives gather to celebrate and honor your love story — on your wedding day — and yet most of your wedding guests don’t know anything about your love story. Everyone in the room is there to congratulate, support, and encourage your commitment to each other, but often they don’t even know why you chose each other as life partners.
Documenting your love story lets your wedding guests in on the secret. It gives them a detailed look at how the two of you fell in love and why you’re the perfect match to embark on the journey of marriage together.
"This is incredible! I keep falling more and more in love with our love story. I'm so obsessed and it looks gorgeous in the frame. Thank you for helping us add another piece to our love puzzle - it's going to look amazing on display at our wedding!" ~Brittany
Your Love Legacy
It goes without saying that we all want to leave a legacy behind. We want to be known for something. The greatest gift you can give to future generations is the piece of your legacy that tells your love story. How many times have you thought to yourself that you wish you were able to know your grandparents better? In some cases, maybe you wish this about your mother or father. We want to hold onto anything tangible that keeps their memory alive and uncovers details about their lives that helps us feel connected to them.
More immediately, when you have children of your own, they’ll ask questions like, “Mom, Dad, how did you two meet?” “How did you get engaged?” “What makes your love so special?” “Why does your marriage work?” Don’t you want to give your children the ability to know how their parents fell in love? It’s the most positive example of a healthy relationship they’ll have.
"It is such a beautiful keepsake that I can't wait to showcase at my bridal showers, our wedding, and in our home. An even neater aspect is that I can pass it on to my kids who will get to learn the ins and outs of their parents' love story." ~Taylor
Anniversary Tradition
Can you think of a better way to honor your marriage than reliving how it all started? Reading your love story is the perfect icing on the cake to your anniversary celebration each year. It will become a sacred tradition that you look forward to. Cue the romance.
"Thanks for such a thoughtful gift and for making the past five years so special. Love you, Mrs. Davis!" ~ Alex
Conflict Resolution
There’s no shame. We all have fought with our significant other and sometimes it gets heated. As much as we like to think we squash fights right away and move on, sometimes it just takes time to resolve. Reading your love story when you’re feeling down about your relationship can aid conflict resolution. We just need simple reminders (and a little time too) to get over our intense emotions after an argument. You’ll always have a resource to remind you of the love you share and why you chose one another.
For Memory's Sake
Science says that our memories fade over time, especially when you haven't recalled those specific memories in a while. It's an unfortunate, but true fact. You can keep your love story as alive as ever though when you put pen to paper and turn it into a physical object through the written word.
“I really believe in the experience you are providing to your clients and the niche you are filling. This experience brings couples and other important relationships closer together. With their love stories documented, couples are able to share these memories forever even when their mind memories fade." -Rena
Kristen Rocco