
THE COLOR: I couldn't stop staring at JoJo's nails on the The Bachelorette this week. It is the PERFECT color to wear on your wedding day. So I scoured the Internet to find the color for you and I did! It's called "Blushing Bride" by Essie. Click the photo to get this color in your nail polish arsenal now! Another thing checked off the to-do list. Oh yea!
THE COUPLE: I've been writing about Chip and Joanna Gaines of Fixer Upper for a hot minute now. I adore their relationship. When I found a video explaining their love story, I was hyped! Watch it here. Do you see how they both have different memories of their love story? They have to remind each other about how it really unfolded to get on the same page. I absolutely love this because it shows what it's like to do a love story interview with me. Both people get a chance to share their "side" of their love story. We have a lot of laughs and well, tears, too. Because when your best friend and loved one says something about you that you've never heard before, it touches your soul.
CALLIGRAPHER ASHLYN CARTER: Put together a how-to guide + detailed instructions on organizing your wedding guest spreadsheet. Grab it here!